Purpose-Built AI Solutions Are More Than Just a Wrapper

August 27, 2024

James Lee

“AI for Legal” is quickly becoming a maze of options, where law firm decision-makers are bombarded daily by countless “GPT wrapper” companies, each insisting their GenAI tools are the perfect fit for your practice. The constant noise can be overwhelming, making it harder to discern which tools genuinely add value and which are simply more of the same.

However, if the last five years have taught me anything, it is that lawyers are discerning by nature, and persuading them to embrace AI is never as easy as you might assume. A recent Bain survey highlighted this challenge, revealing widespread dissatisfaction among attorneys with the current state of AI tools. This sentiment was a prominent discussion point at this year’s ILTACON, as attendees sought to understand why AI tools, once heralded as game-changers, have fallen out of favor. I would argue that Gen AI wrappers are not exactly a great fit for high end attorneys.

What then allows LegalMation to avoid the dreaded wrapper label?

LegalMation offers a fundamentally different kind of AI product, or what we refer to as a “purpose-built AI solution.” Unlike generic GPT Wrappers, LegalMation automates specific litigation workflows end-to-end—such as responding to complaints, subpoena requests, and discovery requests. This distinction plays out in a number of ways from use cases to user experience, implementation, and KPIs:

  • Model Agnostic: Our AI models are meticulously selected to meet the demands of serious legal professionals engaged in critical tasks.
  • Specialized Workflows: General AI tools are not equipped to handle the intricate workflows we address. That’s why many of our law firm clients utilize LegalMation alongside their GPT Wrappers.
  • Precision Over Versatility: LegalMation is not a Swiss Army Knife that does a little bit of everything but excels at nothing. Instead, our applications are precision tools—designed for high accuracy and maximum efficiency in automating specific litigation workflows, catering to legal professionals with exacting standards. (I recently discussed in a podcast why I have modeled LegalMation on the Snap-On Tools ethos.)

Notes: Chart excludes responses of “too early to tell”; “new products or services” category includes monetization of assets/ Sources: Bain Generative AI Surveys, October 2023 (N=198) and February 2024 (N=200)

  • Targeted Audience: We did not build LegalMation for every lawyer in your firm. It is a specialized tool for attorneys who manage particular types of litigation for specific clients.
  • Lightning Fast Implementation: You don’t need a comprehensive change management plan for firmwide adoption. Simply identify the attorneys in your firm who handle exceptionally high case volumes—these are the professionals who will benefit most from LegalMation.We can have clients operational in a matter of days, with more complex implementations taking weeks, not months.
  • Ease of Use: Attorneys don’t need to learn how to use a new product. LegalMation operates like full self-driving— it does the work for you.
  • Tangible ROI: By partnering with LegalMation, your attorneys will not only increase the bottom line but also capture more work from clients and avoid losing business to more agile firms. Plus, LegalMation can help CIOs, CKOs and CINOs get that early quick AI win to use as leverage for more AI investment.

While LegalMation may not be the right fit for every attorney, for those it does serve, it is a life changer. The lawyers who benefit from LegalMation will be grateful to you for introducing them to this invaluable tool. But do not take my word for it – see it for yourself. Get in touch with our team and set up a demo.